So, you don't think placenta encapsulation is for you?
Are you on the fence about encapsulating your placenta? Have some nagging questions in the back of your mind? We get it! Placenta encapsulation isn't quite mainstream these days so to some people, it is still mostly viewed as "weird". We find it far from weird, as technically, we are the only mammal that does NOT routinely consume their placenta post birth. Your placenta is full of valuable hormones that have created just for your body, by your body. Why would you want to throw such a perfect hormonal supplement in the trash?
Isn't it cannibalism?
This a mostly gray area within the practice that really should not even be dwelled on. There are many arguments for and against the subject, but ultimately, it comes down to the fact that the placenta is neither a maternal, nor fetal organ. After birth, it technically belongs to no one. It has served its purpose to both mother and baby, then is no longer needed by either. Cannibalism is defined as consuming human flesh. If the placenta doesn’t belong to either baby or mother after birth, is there even really an argument for it?
Cooking it destroys all the nutrients, whats the point?
If this was a valid reason to discount placentophagy, we would also have to take into account that most of the human diet is indeed not raw, but cooked in some form. Anything in its raw state contains the maximum nutrients, but it has been proven that cooking most foods does not completely destroy all, if any, nutrients. It has also been proven that dehydrating helps maximize the nutritional benefits of most food, including placenta. If this is a concern, we would recommend to encapsulate using the raw method, which involves no “cooking” of the placenta at all. The placenta is only dehydrated and then placed into pills.
Animals only eat their placentas to keep their offspring safe from predators, whats the point?
Actually, recent studies have shown that this is not the sole reason as to why mammals consume their placentas. In a study done by Dr. Mark Kristal in 2011, findings show that placentophagy offers pain relieving properties in rats via ingestion of an active substance identified in placenta and amniotic fluid, termed placental opioid-enhancing factor. It has also been theorized that many animals consume it due to its nutritional content. There are many more theories as to why mammals consume their placenta afterbirth, but most have not been proven or disproven at this point.
But there is no science proving the benefits!
Unfortunately, placenta encapsulation is not a subject of great scientific studies. There are a handful of studies currently in circulation, most notably the ones performed by Dr. Mark Kristal, but most do not provide concrete scientific evidence for OR against the consumption of the human placenta. Most studies are full of theories or hypothesis without actual rigorous scientific studies to back them up. What what do have, however, are the testimonials of actual mothers who have consumed their own placentas and felt the significant benefits. Mother’s across the world are happy to share the importance the consumption of their placentas have had on their postpartum periods.
I've never had any history of depression, I don't think I will get PPD!
Never say never! Unfortunately 1 in 9 women will develop some form of postpartum depression within the first year of their babies lives, even those with no history of depression pre-pregnancy. During the last trimester of pregnancy, the placenta secretes 3 times the normal level of the hormone CRH, which is said to help the mother cope with the stress of pregnancy, labor, and delivery. According to a study performed by the National Institutes of Health, the sudden increase of CRH from the placenta causes the hypothalamus to stop producing it. After childbirth, the hypothalamus isn’t directly signaled to start producing this important hormone again, which leaves the new mother with extremely low levels of cortisol, which often leads to depression. One of the main proposed benefits of placenta encapsulation is to replenish these hormones that are instantly depleted once the placenta has been birthed from the body. This allows the mother to gradually wean off of the pregnancy hormones her body has grown accustomed to. Mothers report significantly less, or no symptoms of depression during the postpartum period while consuming their placenta.
Have we helped you get off the fence?
We believe all woman deserve a peaceful postpartum and genuinely believe your placenta is a valuable tool to help you get there. Still need a few more questions answered? That is what we are here for! As professional placenta specialists, we are here to assure our clients that they are making the best possible choice for themselves in such a delicate time.
Want to get those questions answered? Head on over to our contact page and send us an email. We are here to provide the best placenta encapsulation service in the Central New Jersey and Jersey Shore area that we can.